Guide to PRweb Pricing

You have a newsworthy story that you want to release to the world in the form of a press release. It is well written and you are expecting it to bring you and your company free exposure. It is formatted correctly and it really says what you want it to say. So then if you've done all of these things there is a good chance of your press release being acted upon right? NO Well, not yet anyway. You see you can have the best press release with budgeted press release pricing in the World but unless it is sent to the right person then there is still every chance it will not be dealt with (or at least dealt with in the way you want it to be). This article is therefore all about making sure you contact the right person. There are many ways to do this and these include. 1. Buy a Media Guide Publications such as the Guardian Media Guide or BRAD will contain useful information about who to contact in the press. 2. Get someone to do it for you at right PRweb pricing You can ...